It’s easy to put mental health on the back burner, but emotional wellness affects every aspect of life—including physical health. Learn how God designed the mind-body connection and explore holistic counseling approaches like EMDR, Brainspotting, and Somatics to heal and grow.
Healthy sexuality is more than just sex—it’s about intimacy, sensuality, and overall well-being. Whether you’re struggling with libido, past experiences, or hormonal imbalances, taking a holistic approach can help you reclaim a healthy and fulfilling relationship with your body and partner.
Prioritize your health this year with simple, actionable tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Explore swaps, breathing exercises, and holistic approaches to living a healthier life.
The holidays are here, and amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most: connection. This season, we’re sharing six simple yet impactful ways to deepen family bonds while keeping health and well-being at the forefront. From outdoor activities and healthy cook-offs to thoughtful conversations and moments of self-care, these ideas are designed to bring you closer to the ones you love. Plus, don’t miss our favourite gift ideas, nourishing holiday recipes, and special offers to help you celebrate in style.
Discover how to maintain healthy holiday rhythms with our practical guide. Learn to prioritize connection, manage holiday stress, and embrace sustainable practices for a joyous season. Perfect tips for a balanced and enriching holiday experience.
The mind-body connection plays a significant role in both mental and physical health. Unresolved emotional trauma can manifest as physical symptoms like insomnia, muscle tension, and chronic pain. Healing the body is part of the emotional healing process, and acknowledging this connection is key to preventing long-term health conditions.
We’re celebrating 7 years of Faithfully Guided Health Center! From our humble beginnings as Ocala’s first full-person health center to serving over 5,000 patients, our journey has been one of faith, dedication, and community support.
Did you know that most “diseases” today are consequences of poor lifestyle (stress, nutrition, movement, sleep)? Traditional healthcare only improves the disease processes by 10% and they are designed to treat symptoms rather than the root cause. You can choose to invest in your health today or pay exorbitant costs later in life. It is […]
We’ve all had “gut feelings,” experienced a “butterfly sensation” in our stomachs, or felt “gut-wrenched” about something that has us concerned. It may surprise you to learn that these instances are not all in our heads but are physical signs of the body’s gut-brain connection. The gastrointestinal tract’s (GI) enteric nervous system is even often […]
The holiday season can be stressful. Along with your other responsibilities, you may find yourself overwhelmed with selecting the perfect gift for your loved ones. Each year, our founders, Jamie and Ashlee, craft a gift guide to highlight intentional gifts that honor health, inside and out. This year, our focus is on the deep restoration […]
It has been a while since we co-wrote a blog and let me tell you: we are thrilled about it! If you are new to us, let us officially welcome you! Who We Are Our vision is nearly two decades in the making. It started when Jamie, a pastoral counselor with a heart for educational […]
There are few words that evoke such emotion as the word “cancer.” It can mean different things for different people. For me, my journey to healing looked a lot like listening to my body, putting my health first, and leaning on those around me. Through the peaks and valleys of my journey, the unwavering support […]
Have you ever felt guilty for taking time for yourself, or wondered what constitutes unselfish self care? Striking a balance between work and rest has become increasingly difficult in our hectic lives. More than that, self care has caught a negative reputation for being selfish, leaving many of us feeling guilty for taking time for […]
We’ve all heard the saying, “Leave the past in the past.” But, your past informs your future health outcomes, particularly when carrying untreated childhood trauma. At Faithfully Guided, we use our unique discovery process to uncover these components of your health history to inform your treatment today. Read on to learn more about how we […]
Having a healthy spiritual life and living by faith does more than just make you feel happy and fulfilled — it also helps your body heal more efficiently and completely from physical and mental issues. At Faithfully Guided, we focus on a whole-person approach to health using biblical principles and evidence-based science so you can […]
We may only think about inflammation as a negative thing, but it’s designed to be a protective immune response to stress, illness, or injury. It’s a necessary function of our bodies, but when it’s unwarranted or prolonged, it can negatively impact our overall health and well-being. Inflammation can be a vicious cycle in that your […]
It’s no secret that what we eat affects our physical and mental health. But did you know that what we eat can also boost our brainpower? As one of the MVPs of our bodies, controlling everything from blood flow to our breathing, our brains deserve all the TLC they can get, and what we feed […]
The vagus nerve is part of your body you may have never even heard of, but it’s a gamechanger for your health. It counteracts your body’s fight or flight system and affects everything from your cough and gag reflexes to how well your body digests food. Issues with your vagus nerve can have serious consequences. […]
It’s no secret that making smart choices with your diet, exercise, and sleep helps keep your heart healthy. But it may surprise you to learn that how healthy you are spiritually and emotionally also plays a role in your cardiovascular wellness. Having a healthy heart is essential because, according to the Centers for Disease Control […]
Seeing someone as a whole person rather than a body with individual systems is nothing new. But only recently have health practitioners begun to more fully understand — and guide patients accordingly on — the interconnectedness of nutrition with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Nutrition is an essential part of functional medicine, which focuses […]
The holidays can be an undoubtedly stressful time of the year with all of the social, familial, and work obligations — not to mention the pressure to gift your loved ones well. While there is nothing wrong with a thoughtfully chosen tie or cookware, our Faithfully Guided team wants to offer some ideas for gifts […]
As the holiday season approaches, it brings with it more opportunities than perhaps at any other time of the year to be together with family and friends. But for some people, it also comes with feelings of stress or trepidation over past disappointments, traumatic experiences, and loss. Fortunately, there are ways to intentionally connect in […]
Even though we may not often realize it, how we’re feeling physically and emotionally can impact our personal relationships too. When our health suffers, we unintentionally bring that to our interactions with people we love. Simply treating your uncomfortable symptoms rather than trying to find the root cause does you a disservice. That’s why at […]
We have all had that feeling when confronted with a situation that stresses us out — do we stay and deal with it, or do we give in to our non-combative side and run away? This phenomenon is known as our acute stress response, more commonly called “fight or flight,” and is the body’s biological […]
We’ve all had “gut feelings,” experienced a “butterfly sensation” in our stomachs, or felt “gut-wrenched” about something that has us concerned. It may surprise you to learn that these instances are not all in our heads but are physical signs of the body’s gut-brain connection. The gastrointestinal tract’s (GI) enteric nervous system is even often […]
Technology may be the ultimate double-edged sword of the modern age. On the one hand, it allows us easier access to information. It is a means of keeping up with the people we care about — on the other, it provides opportunities for mindless scrolling that soon results in sensory overload. While spending hours on […]
Your body is made up of complex systems and understanding how they work together is of the utmost importance for taking charge of your health. So many factors impact your overall health and wellbeing, from your genetic makeup to environment to stress levels, to name just a few. And at Faithfully Guided, we know that […]
The sun does more than just help flowers grow. For people, sunlight offers countless benefits that contribute to our overall sense of wellbeing — while lack of exposure to sufficient sunlight can cause a slew of adverse symptoms. As the sunnier summer months approach, learn how controlled and strategic sun exposure can help you feel […]
Your bedside table is covered in facial tissue, eye drops, and cough syrup, and you miserably wonder if all your symptoms are from allergies or another ailment. As allergy symptoms mimic those of other illnesses, it can often be difficult to tell. Fortunately, there are some key differences to help you figure it out. Understanding […]
Many people notice that as they deal with mental struggles, their physical well-being also suffers. These two human health components were primarily thought of as separate entities, but modern medical professionals and researchers understand more about how they are connected. Knowing the synchronous relationship between these parts of your health allows you to recognize when […]
As we approach the holidays, health can often take a backseat to the upcoming responsibilities and festivities. If you are looking to give yourself or someone you love gifts that will invest in whole-person health, see gifts that our founders, Dr. Ashlee & Jamie, love this season. Purpose We believe in the life-changing results proactive […]
If you live in Florida, you are likely aware that our humid weather and frequent rain showers sometimes create an inviting environment for mold growth in our homes and workplaces. But you may not be aware that mold is not just a hazard to building structures – it is responsible for a wide array of […]
Families often relax rules, exercise less, and form less-than-healthy habits during the summer. As students go back to school in the fall and experience pressure from seemingly every angle, it’s an opportune time to reintroduce healthy habits in your home, focusing on mental, emotional, and physical wellness. The Faithfully Guided team is committed to helping […]
If you’re reading this blog and following Faithfully Guided then you’re probably looking for ways to get healthier. Even small steps in the right direction can make a huge difference in the long run. Where most people struggle is their diet – and getting the recommended amount of daily fruits and vegetables. Today we want […]
Burnout is a state of chronic stress that can take root in your personal and professional life, leading to physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment, overwhelming feelings of negativity, perceived professional inefficacy, and other changes in your mood and behavior. Chronic stress feeds on the brightest of lights, causing them to grow progressively dimmer until they’re […]
Here at Faithfully Guided, we understand that finding a path to healthy weight management may be a lifelong struggle. The conversation of weight management is saturated with talk of fast diet plans, intense exercise routines, and seemingly unattainable lifestyle regimes. Because of this, the word “weight” is often met with an intimidated mindset and negative […]
Here at Faithfully Guided Health Center, our team focuses on restoring your spirit, mind, and body through our unique collaborative approach to health. Along your journey to abundant life, there are many points at which you may have felt stuck in the healing process. We understand that the accompanying frustration can feel overwhelming. Our team […]
Ozone (O3) is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen. This super oxygen acts as a potent detoxifier and purifier. When it is administered medically, its application is safe and targeted with proven anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. It works by stimulating your immune system to facilitate healing. What is Ozone Therapy? […]
As a licensed and board-certified Occupational Therapist, Melissa Cordell has furthered her education and knowledge base by training in Interactive Metronome. This revolutionary technique allows you to fine-tune the way your brain receives and interprets information. Just like exercising to tone your other muscles, your brain deserves the same attention. What is Interactive Metronome (IM)? […]
There’s one particular virus that seems to be the topic of conversation everywhere you go. By infecting more than 120,000 persons in over 100 countries, the virus has earned this distinction. We want to give you the best information regarding coronavirus while also providing expertise on how to navigate times of sickness. At Faithfully Guided, […]
At Faithfully Guided, we offer a collaborative and faith based model of counseling. We believe that crisis can come in the form of conflict or a traumatic event, often resulting in a shaken identity. It is our goal to meet you where you are by cultivating a safe and trusted place to navigate your individual […]
New research was just released by the Robert Wood Johnson foundation that has Marion County, Florida ranking at 52 out of 67 counties for health outcomes. This includes the state our citizens’ physical and mental health, premature death, and the number of people who live with fair or poor health. We are living in one of the […]
The spirit, mind, and body all have an effect on one another, which is why Faithfully Guided Health Center (FGHC) focuses on the “whole” person. Let’s take a closer look at FGHCs direct primary care and functional medicine services and philosophies: Direct Primary Care Direct primary care is designed to help you achieve, monitor and […]
For six weeks, we will be focusing on The Daniel Plan’s five health essentials—faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends—much like our five pillars of health here at FGHC. Get ready! We’re rolling out the challenge on Sunday, January 6 at the first weekly group meeting at Faithfully Guided Health Center at 5:30 pm. Bring […]
2018 Better than the Best! View the Digital Magazine
Food is meant to nourish, fuel and heal the body. Real, whole food is medicine to the body. That is why Excellent Nutrition is one of the pillars of health at Faithfully Guided Health Center (FGHC). When we eat, we want to bring healing nutrients into the body. Vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins and […]
At FGHC, our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and abundant life. We do this by examining five areas of your lifestyle, called the Five Pillars of Health: Spiritual Foundation Excellent Nutrition Stress Management Optimal Movement Restorative Sleep Restorative Sleep is one of them. Research has shown that by addressing 4 out of […]
At Faithfully Guided Health Center, our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and abundant life. We do this by helping you achieve a balance between five lifestyle areas; we like to call them the Five Pillars of Health: Spiritual Foundation Excellent Nutrition Stress Management Optimal Movement Restorative Sleep Research has shown that by […]
At FGHC, our mission is to help you achieve optimal health and abundant life. Sure, that sounds great, you may be thinking. But how? In previous articles, we introduced our Five Pillars of Health: Spiritual Foundation Excellent Nutrition Stress Management Optimal Movement Restorative Sleep Research has shown that by addressing 4 out of 5 of […]
Our Medical Director, Dr. Mel Seek, provided some key insights for our team recently during a recent team training. He informed us that a 2018 health report ranked Marion County 49th out of 67 counties in Florida for health outcomes. These outcomes are based on how long people live and how healthy they feel. As […]
Friday, September 7th 5:30 pm – CEP Ribbon Cutting 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Community Grand Opening 40 SW 1st Avenue Ocala, FL 34471 Located between Pi and La Cuisine. Parking is available on a first-come-first-serve basis in the grass lot one block south of La Cuisine on 1st Avenue. Look for signs and FGHC […]
Infrared sauna therapy is used to cleanse and detoxify the body. While infrared heat is safe, it is recommended that you only partake in infrared sauna therapy under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Faithfully Guided Health Center is proud to offer infrared sauna therapy as part of our restorative therapeutic services. There has been […]
You may be wondering, what makes Faithfully Guided Health Center (FGHC) unique? One of the greatest qualities that our team demonstrates is the full understanding of the spirit, mind, body connection. Over and over again we see clients presenting with a physical complaint that roots back to an emotional issue. Some examples we have all […]
Life has a way of creeping up on us, doesn’t it? All of a sudden our weekly schedules, commitments, and must-dos are more than we would like to handle. We’re in the middle of Holy Yoga training, and the concept of living and acting with a sense of peace keeps coming up. God continues to […]
According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects millions of people throughout the United States. There is a direct correlation between PTSD and trauma with symptoms commonly manifesting within three months of a traumatic event. PTSD can lead to other symptoms including anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Counseling is often […]
Are you suffering from pain in your joints? Do you have long-standing knee pain that grinds on your nerves? Have you almost given up hope of ever escaping the pain of your old sports injury? We would like to share another option before you throw in the towel and turn to surgery or just decide […]
Faithfully Guided Health Center’s Open House and Blessing was a tremendous success! We had approximately 200 people come by that evening. We were positively overwhelmed by the support, encouragement, and prayer. Thank you so much to all who attended. Your support means so much. If you haven’t already done so, please sign-up for our e-newsletter. […]
On February 22nd we brought Holy Yoga to Unity Place where we offered the residents there a free yoga session. We desired to provide a taste of the physical benefits of yoga combined with the spiritual benefits of Christ being the focus of intention and worship. This was my first experience with this practice and […]
This year, February 14th is a big deal! Please allow me to share the significance of God’s perfect timing. Yes! It is Valentine’s Day, a day focused on loving those we care for. It also happens to be the beginning of our journey through Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and almsgiving as we desire […]
On January 22nd, Faithfully Guided committed to picking up three pieces of garbage daily. We encouraged you, our families, and friends to do the same. This initiative is part of our commitment to participate in a “kindness challenge” on the 22nd of each month. This challenge was birthed after I attended a conference where I […]
It’s a toxic world! Every day we eat, breathe and absorb toxins from the world in which we exist both internally and externally. Unfortunately, these toxins can severely affect our overall health and wellness. Even when we eat well and exercise regularly the fact of the matter is, we are exposed to toxins on a […]
On December 22, we continued to pay-it-forward by choosing kindness at the Hope Clinic. Four families purchased hygiene items, coffee, and cookies and were given the opportunity to serve and distribute items outside the Hope Clinic one evening. It was an inspiring and heart-filling experience. Practitioners inside treating patients even mentioned how it changed the […]
Our team at Faithfully Guided Health Center would like to thank you deeply for all of those who were able to stop by the Open House and Blessing on Thursday, March 29, 2018. There were many that communicated they could not come by that evening but sent their prayers and congratulations and we thank you […]
November 22 was the kick-start of our new “monthly” Coffee & Kindness initiative. Special thanks to Ashlee Seek who coordinated cookies and waters and to Clint Lewis for providing coffee from Dignity Roasters. Many of us joined together at Symmetry Coffee & Crepes with our children and walked to the Salvation Army where we passed […]
Ashlee Seek, MSN, ARNP-C is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with a commitment to preventing illness and attaining and maintaining excellent health through nutrition and physical activity. Ashlee received her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the University of Central Florida. After spending more than 15 years gaining experience in the areas of cardiology […]
During the month of October, Faithfully Guided, Inc. and Mayor Kent Guinn hosted “Coffee & Kindness” at Symmetry Coffee & Crepes on Wednesday’s from 8:30 – 9:15 a.m. to share and inspire each other during the 30-day Kindness Challenge for the community. The last Wednesday of the month, we met at City Hall to discuss […]
As the summer winds down, we find ourselves busier than we would like to be. Some are transitioning into a new academic school year, deciding on extracurricular activities for the fall, or attempting to get organized for a new fiscal year. Is summer really over so soon? It seems as though when we were kids, […]
Faithfully Guided is passionate about family life, specifically, the role of children and youth today. With increased demands of family life, lack of quality time, and exponential growth in technology, children and youth are not learning the social and problem-solving skills necessary for healthy relationships. As a result, bullying has become one of the more […]
What is bullying? Bullying is intentional and aggressive behavior (verbal, emotional, physical, cyber) repeatedly shown to someone not able to defend themselves equally (imbalance of power). Bullying is not conflict which can be worked out between two people. Instead, it is a form of abuse that needs to be reported and dealt with accordingly. Conflict […]
What is Lent? Lent is a 40 day period of time that Western churches (Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Anglican, Roman Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox) observe that marks the time that Jesus Christ spent in the desert fasting. Lent is the preparation for Easter and is spent in fasting and repentance with the purpose to refocus our […]