Immune & Inflammatory

The archives

We may only think about inflammation as a negative thing, but it’s designed to be a protective immune response to stress, illness, or injury. It’s a necessary function of our bodies, but when it’s unwarranted or prolonged, it can negatively impact our overall health and well-being. Inflammation can be a vicious cycle in that your […]

Inflammation: What Causes It and How Can I Prevent It?

woman in a hat looking over her shoulder

The vagus nerve is part of your body you may have never even heard of, but it’s a gamechanger for your health. It counteracts your body’s fight or flight system and affects everything from your cough and gag reflexes to how well your body digests food. Issues with your vagus nerve can have serious consequences. […]

All About the Vagus Nerve

freshly made salads

Seeing someone as a whole person rather than a body with individual systems is nothing new. But only recently have health practitioners begun to more fully understand — and guide patients accordingly on — the interconnectedness of nutrition with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Nutrition is an essential part of functional medicine, which focuses […]

Nutrition’s Role in Whole-Person Healing

We have all had that feeling when confronted with a situation that stresses us out — do we stay and deal with it, or do we give in to our non-combative side and run away? This phenomenon is known as our acute stress response, more commonly called “fight or flight,” and is the body’s biological […]

Fight or Flight: Understanding How Your Body Responds to Stress

woman holding green leafy vegetables

We’ve all had “gut feelings,” experienced a “butterfly sensation” in our stomachs, or felt “gut-wrenched” about something that has us concerned. It may surprise you to learn that these instances are not all in our heads but are physical signs of the body’s gut-brain connection. The gastrointestinal tract’s (GI) enteric nervous system is even often […]

All About Your Gut-Brain Connection


Your bedside table is covered in facial tissue, eye drops, and cough syrup, and you miserably wonder if all your symptoms are from allergies or another ailment. As allergy symptoms mimic those of other illnesses, it can often be difficult to tell. Fortunately, there are some key differences to help you figure it out.  Understanding […]

Are My Symptoms From Allergies or Something Else?

If you live in Florida, you are likely aware that our humid weather and frequent rain showers sometimes create an inviting environment for mold growth in our homes and workplaces. But you may not be aware that mold is not just a hazard to building structures – it is responsible for a wide array of […]

How Mold Exposure Affects Your Health

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